Made to order equipment
The company Kadlec – electronics produces not only a wide range of standard product assortment, but also a large number of made to order equipment according to customer needs. During the period of our activities in the field of electronic information and visualization systems, we have formed a whole range of building components which can be used as various atypical and unusual equipment and systems. Due to our personal developmental platform we are able to develop, produce and implement our products and systems bespoke according to the requirements of customers while meeting short delivery terms and low prices.
Here is a list of substandard projects implemented by our company:
- Text BiLED panel, which controls access of cistern trucks to filling stands – Chemopetrol Litvínov, Kaučuk Kralupy.
- Numeral information calling panel Hopi, which controls access of trucks to loading platforms.
- Numeral LED panel produced for the COCA – COLA Company, which controls access of delivery vehicles to dispatch ramps.
- Information panels which display on-row information about the process of working shifts – Škoda, Bosch, Flextronics.
- Calling system on the basis of one-line text panels for Živnobanka Praha, which organize access of clients to service counters.
- Systems of text panels in STER CENTURY movie theaters in Prague and in Brno, which inform customers about films showing in various halls.
- Configuration of multi-row text information panels in the Congress Hall in Prague, which informs the public about events there held.
- Graphic displays used in transportation systems made to order for foreign customers, including RGB color panel.
- Electronic BiLED displays of the transport line number which are produced for the MAN.
- Starting equipment Automotodrom Brno
- BiLED advertising graphic panel placed in the advertising area at Brno main bus station.
- The advertising text one-row panel with digital clock which is placed in the META building in Brno.
- Display panel showing the last 10 numbers of American roulette in casinos.
- Information display showing possible “Jackpots”.
- Information panel at the summer swimming pool which shows the precise time (DCF), temperature of the water in the swimming pool, air temperature and controls the network of analog and digital clocks.
- Information panel showing the current speed of the driven vehicle on the basis of radar data.
- Calling system controlling the distribution of meals in dining halls.